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About PilatesPilates is a unique exercise system designed to stretch and strengthen the entire body while calming and quieting the mind. Developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s, the method uses specially designed equipment as well as traditional mat work to restore and strengthen musculoskeletal balance. Practicing Pilates with a well-trained teacher will improve your posture and core stability, increase flexibility, develop long lean muscle tone and even help you sleep better! Pilates is also ideal for specific rehabilitation of many injuries and conditions. Large numbers of physiotherapists, chiropractors and medical practitioners recommend studio Pilates for rehabilitation purposes.
Who is Pilates for?Today people from all walks of life, all fitness levels, age and ability benefit from the practice of the Pilates method. The Team at the Polestar Pilates Studio continuously increase their knowledge and continuously refine their skills. Our instructors are qualified to customise programmes for: First time exercisers wishing to improve their total fitness, posture & appearance The elderly to prevent and treat osteoporosis as well as improve fitness & posture Womens Health, Pregnancy, and post mastectomy Professional sports players using advanced conditioning programmes to enhance their performance (tennis, rugby, football, swimming, cricket, equestrian etc.) Athletes looking for that extra edge Performers such as actors, dancers & musicians Sufferers of ME, back pain, RSI, stress-related illnesses, eating & weight disorders Basically anyone! Take some time out to relax and enjoy while keeping yourself mentally, physically and spiritually healthy through our wonderful classes!
Benefits of doing PilatesPilates can help with your general fitness, specific health conditions and your overall well-being including: Relief from back pain Improved alignment and posture Toned abdomen and body Pelvic and shoulder stability Improved mobility in all joints and the spine Effective injury prevention and post-rehabilitation Improved balance Greater strength and co-ordination Can help alleviate aches, stress and tension More efficient digestion Better circulation and respiratory system Maintains and can increase bone density Enhanced immune system
How Pilates can help with weight lossPilates and body conditioning is beneficial to do alongside all forms of exercise, to help achieve balance in the whole body and avoid over-using one muscle group. It can contribute to weight loss and burning calories if done regularly and intensively. An hour’s Pilates class (depending on intensity) can burn around 300-400 calories. The main benefits in doing a physical conditioning exercise such as Pilates to help with weight loss are: Pilates strengthens all of the body’s muscles, helping to improve muscular performance whilst doing aerobic exercise. Pilates builds ‘internal strength’ working from the inside-out giving more control and ease of movement during all exercise. Pilates creates longer, leaner muscles and tones the whole body. Creating lean muscle mass is one of the best ways to increase your calorie-burning and weight loss potential. Pilates improves the blood flow thus allowing more efficient circulation of oxygen to muscles and easier removal of toxins during aerobic exercise, allowing your muscles to last for longer. Pilates promotes deep and efficient breathing techniques which are essential for calorie burning and tissue regeneration. Pilates is excellent for building strength, flexibility and balance in the body and it is most effective with weight loss when combined with cardiovascular exercise.
Our Pilates ClassesAt the Polestar Pilates Studio you start with a private session with an instructor who will discuss and assess your medical history and your exercise goals. You are then guided through a Pilates workout where your physical condition is assessed and a programme is tailored to suit your needs. You can continue with private sessions or you can work in small group-sessions (1 instructor with up to 4 clients) where you work on your customised programme. These sessions are 60 minutes and you will continue to be guided, monitored and progressed on an individual basis. Payments are required in full by the first general session.
What to bring and wearWear comfortable but snug fitting clothing (Ladies - leotards, tights and T Shirt, Men - bike shorts with shorts and T Shirt). Pilates is basically non-aerobic so bring a sweatshirt with you just in case. For hygiene requirements, please bring a small towel and clean socks - you don't need gym shoes. Please use your towel to wipe down the equipment you've used so that it is clean for the next client. Cell-phones need to be switched off at all times!
Parking at the StudioTypically there are plenty car parking options available on either Trinity Street or adjacing streets such as Albany Road.
Our Cancellation PolicyPlease be aware that we have a 24-hour cancellation policy. All cancellations or changes must be made 24 hours ahead of your scheduled appointment to avoid being charged for your session.
The difference between Yoga and PilatesPilates and Yoga are similar in that they both focus on strength, flexibility, posture, balance and good breathing techniques. Yoga differs from Pilates primarily because it has a spiritual element with a focus on a unity between body and mind, Yoga classes may involve chanting, meditation or relaxation. Yoga poses were originally invented so Yoga practitioners could hold their bodies in static positions for long periods while they were meditating. Pilates classes involve precise exercises that target specific areas of the body with an emphasis on strengthening the core muscles. There are two basic forms of Pilates, mat-based Pilates and equipment-based Pilates. Mat-based Pilates, which is the most popular form of Pilates, is a series of exercises performed on the floor using gravity and our own body weight to provide resistance. Equipment-based Pilates uses specially designed equipment and accessories to provide muscle resistance. Pilates’ holistic approach sets it apart from many other forms of exercise. Osteopaths, physiotherapists and general practitioners recommend Pilates as one of the safest forms of exercise today.
Our EquipmentThe well-maintained equipment at the Polestar Pilates Studio is made up of a mixture of the latest Balanced Body as well as Stott Pilates equipment.
Pilates and pregnancyThe American Council of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) states that a woman in the 20th week of pregnancy should not lie on her back for exercise for any other reason due to the compromise to the vascular system and possibly the vascular system of the fetus caused by compression of the aorta and the vena cava in the supine position. Reference: ACOG committee on Patient Education Patient information hand out Copyright May 1998.
What is a Mat Class?A Mat Class is within a group setting with no more than 10 people to ensure specific instruction. During the class you will lie on a mat, sit or stand and learn the principles of Pilates. The Pilates principles will be integrated into each exercise, with the exercises becoming more and more progressive and challenging as you develop awareness, strength, flexibility, coordination and endurance.
What are Studio Classes?Studio classes are highly personalised. They are taught one on one or in semi-private lessons with 1-4 students per instructor. The sessions combine exercises on specially designed Pilates equipment and mat repertoire to give you a uniquely tailored workout. All new clients to the studio complete 1-2 private lessons before joining semi-private lessons. This allows us to perform an assessment of your current level and personalize an initial program to suit your needs.
What is a Studio Group Session?A Studio Group Session can be either semi-private or within a group setting. Keep in mind that even in a group setting you will still be instructed on an individualised programme to achieve your own personal goals. Instructors in a group setting will work closely with a small number of clients, carefully monitoring and advancing your programme as your skill improves. During your first visit your goals and requirements will be established which includes information about abilities and medical history. Following the assessment you sit or lie on specialised equipment and later sit, kneel or stand and work against your own body's resistance as well as resistance provided by springs which can be adjusted to varying tensions. Further exercise options are provided by a pulley system. The exercises are functional and coordinate strength and postural control, working in patterns using the whole body.
How do I get to the Polestar Pilates Studio?26 Trinity Street is located in Ponsonby, Auckland CBD. Click on the words "Find Us" below and this will take you to Google Maps.
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